Feb 05 2013

My Demon Lover

Published by at 4:41 am under Dark Love Poems

You come to me in my sleep;
traveling on your white steed; through the moonlight.
You smile at me, and caress my skin cold like
the water waves outside my window.
I don’t understand why you come to me.
But at this moment I do not seem to care.

Your eyes are black as the night but your skin is so pale.
I begin to wonder why I can’t breathe on my own. Why can’t I move?
You breath into me, and with that we become one.
So mysterious, so dark… who are you?
I must know your name…

You come to ravish my dreams, and
I call to you within my deep slumber.
You take over my weak state, and make my night heaven.
Yet I still wonder, why only at night?

Who are you that I call upon?
Why do you take over me with such fantasies?
You are my Demon Lover….
You are here to suck the life from me.
I shall let you, oh Dark one.

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