May 25 2011


Published by at 2:40 pm under Sad Love Poems

Why did I let my heart fall for you
When I knew there was nothing that I could do
to make you feel as strongly for me
To make things as I felt things were meant to be

Past tense in this case means noting at all
Nothing did change as summer became fall
And now that winter embraces us in cold
It’s your embrace I long for, it’s you I long to hold
To hold your hand in your time of need
To tell you “I am here” when your heart begins to bleed
How I long for all these things to befriend my lonely heart
How I long for you to say to me “We’ll never be apart”
I guess like everything in my pathetic little life
I seem to find nothing in my situation but unmitigated strife
I’ve tried and tried and tried and tried
I’m tired now, perhaps my brain is fried

But a bout of sleep and back I shall come
To make what may be my last, as said by some
attempt to make the girl of my dreams mine
Maybe, you should be likened to fine wine
That grows much better as time elapses
If that’s the case, girl, you’re going to be fantastic
Not that you aren’t, now, a prime selection
All I’m saying is “You’re on the road to perfection”

I’m leaving now, I guess I’m out of things to say
Hard to believe, I know, as my heart seems to weigh
a ton, with all the feelings I have inside for you
I really hope I get to show them very very soon
For now there isn’t much I’m able to do

So, I’ll just say “1.4.3
That is…”I.Love.You”

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “1.4.3”

  1. pixieon 25 May 2011 at 6:24 pm

    this is absolutely exquisite
    awesome job
    its rhymie without seeming forced, which i love

  2. OfTheUnseelieCourton 28 May 2011 at 10:21 am

    i really like the 1.4.3 thing
    its cute

  3. Sifferon 28 May 2011 at 12:07 pm

    I was misdirected here.

    Ps. Nice Poem, few Typos, noting big.

    yes, that WAS a joke.

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