Sep 06 2008

400 Days

Published by at 5:21 am under Missing you Love Poems

~400 DAYS~

by Diane

The poem is dedicated to the authors children which she
tragically lost in a fire

Every single day
every single night

this hurt inside
I try to fight

every single moon
ever single sun

the void, that is me
there?s no where to run

the leaves still fall
the flowers still grow

I still sit and wonder
where did you both go?

My heart always broken
I count all the ways

forever missing you both
even after 400 days

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “400 Days”

  1. baincaon 18 Nov 2008 at 1:20 pm

    that is so cute. i loved it so much it took my heart away and remind me of someone who left me and i was so in love with him :cry :cry :sigh :sigh

  2. dinesh negion 03 Apr 2009 at 2:06 am

    i love this poem so much ,….

  3. XXHEARTBROKEXXon 04 Apr 2009 at 2:27 am

    that remindd me of when i lost mjavascript:ac_smilie(\’:cry\’)y 1 tru luv :cry :cry :cry

  4. Emily on 01 May 2009 at 11:55 am

    :cry :cry this is a real tear jerker i do really like it its hard to get over someone you do care about i\’m counting mine at 3 months and 13 days :sigh :sigh i really miss him but he doesn\’t care bout me i wrote a poem for him it may on here and i hope he sees this ETHAN i wish you would notice me again :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

  5. alex taylor on 10 Apr 2010 at 7:41 am

    i love this poem i miss my love i harent seen him in 3 week l iove you shay xxxxxxx :cry :sigh :sigh :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry i love you in till i die xx

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