Jun 12 2011
6 Months Together
6 months together
Is just long enough
For me to know
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
People say it’s too soon, we’re too young
But I don’t care
I want to be your husband
To wake up with you in the morning
To watch you fall asleep at night
To keep anything from harming you
To tease you about the K.B thing
And everything in between
I love you more than I have ever loved someone
That’s got to count for something
I love you Kathryn Bradbury
You’re my angel sent from above
:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :bandit: :bandit: :bandit: :bandit: :bandit: 😀 🙂 ^_^ 😮 8) ;-( 😆 xD 😉 👿 :p :whistle: :woot: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :alien: :angel: :bandit:
this seems very personal
and, well, duh
its poetry
but, idk. this is special
great job
Pretty good for a 16 yr old i think 😀 and yh its personal but i thought i’d share it ….. my gf loved it
ur 16?
wow. im kind of shocked
Yep i was 16 in march but released my first poem when i was 15
^^ kay
wowow yuhr 16 ! yuh write Amazing words !
ur 16 hah mine r AMAZING! and im 13!
Some1 needs to calm down this is a friendly website not a place to slag others off little kid
aye s alright im chill im not lik mad
this is an AMAZING poem, your well good for a 16 year old 🙂 xxxx
I’m the youngest here I think I’m 12 but in a couple days I’m turning 13 =]