Mar 28 2011

A Broken heart..will never mend on its own

Published by at 11:10 pm under Sorry Love Poems

I cheated on you,
I lied to you,
You stuck by me…

I loved you,
Nearly lost you,
You tell me you’ll never leave.

In my mind, i know you could
get better.
I know there are others out there,
Yet you stay with me.

I broke the necklace you gave to me,
It was an accident, but it felt like it tore,
part of me..

I want things to get better,
Our relationship to get stronger,
I want to make us happy.

I want to be the girl you think i am,
I want to be the other half of you,
I want to be perfect,
I want to prove how much i love you…

I’m me, messed up in my head..
But thinking of me without you,
I’d rather be dead.

I’ll never leave you, never cheat, never lie,
I’ll love you forever..
You’re an amazing guy.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “A Broken heart..will never mend on its own”

  1. Heavenon 29 Mar 2011 at 5:01 pm

    it’s very cool and i wish i would have made it up because its so butiful and reminds me of my relationship :love:

  2. Kat95on 29 Mar 2011 at 7:11 pm

    thanks 🙂

  3. mumukshaon 05 Apr 2011 at 11:11 am

    aww….i loved dis poem….bcoz sme happned wid me….
    it reminds me f my relationship wid a guy whom i cheated but now hv fallen for him….

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