Sep 04 2011

A few qeustions love

Published by at 9:06 am under I Love You Poems

Is it weird that…
I sometimes feel you right next to me ?
While you’re not even there

That I can feel your arms ,wrapped around me
That I can almost embrace your warmth

Is it that strange for me to say…
That I can almost taste your scent
Sense your presence while I sleep

That after I wake from a dream
That I think over and over if I have awoken yet

Do you think I’m crazy…
When I say that I love the way your heart beats
As if its saying “hello” to me

That I look at you with my mouth closed
But still try to communicate with you through my soul

Might I go too far ,by saying…
That I pray for you every night

That I have chosen you
To be with
For the rest of my life

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A few qeustions love”

  1. Naenayon 07 Oct 2011 at 3:04 am

    awehh… beautiful :love:

  2. gothic angelon 12 Oct 2011 at 6:55 pm

    rock on

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