Sep 17 2013

A Gunshot

Published by at 5:38 am under Dark Love Poems

No like but all lust
too many lies. too little trust.
Find within me a heart to behold
something unspoken. something untold

Something religious, but do you believe?
Or do you just mourn and whimper and grieve?
Talk of a gunshot. A wound to the heart.
A soft word of wonder had torn me apart.

Mistaken, but certain, why not simply say –
all of those things you’d not whispered today?
No reason for thought, there was no time at all
for you crawl and you cry and you hope you don’t fall.

Remind me of love, now, remind me of peace
words and expressions can find no release.
Unhelped, yes, unspoken; unfocused and tired
Scarred was the loved one I once had admired.

Bring me your being and bring me your smile
The dreams are undending and sleep takes a while.
Thoughts weren’t connecting, but neither were we
we found ourselves distanced. You. and me.

Brought together to be torn apart
Found your love was lacking, and so was my heart
Unemptied and broken. A black, twisted hole
that found out my weakness and tore out my soul

Yes, Heaven, the end point. And Hell truly mine
Where I would have ended (and might, still – sometime)
but you found me lacking… you found I was cold
You made me feel precious. You made me feel bold.

Was it all for nothing, or could I not see?
How lies were the truth and you did not love me?
Rewritten on inked skin and frozen in time.
I hurt at the thought that you’d never be mine.

No liking. No reason. No, nothing but lust.
To you I was worthless. For you I’ve no trust.
You woke within me a hatred of life.
Found me deserted and left me in strife.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A Gunshot”

  1. Kelechion 19 Sep 2013 at 3:40 pm

    This is beautiful I love it.

  2. pixieon 19 Sep 2013 at 5:14 pm

    Thank you for the kind comment! ^_^

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