Sep 28 2006

A Sense Sublime

Published by at 8:15 am under Forever Love Poems


The Lord has told me what true love is,
what it is after all
It is meant to get closer to him,
it is a clarion call.
It is the divine feeling of affection,
Towards all whom you love
 From the girl next door to your own pet
from your sibling to a wild dove.
Once love touches you silently,
it lasts a whole lifelong-
Not as a fire, but as a haunting

well-cherished song:
As a melody you’d like to sing,
in voices sweet and hoarse…
You’ll be happy to hum it to yourself,
that too, without remorse.
And when you know each note of the tune,
all the beings on this earth,
Will get a big share of your affection,
your tears, love and mirth.
As you get closer to this world

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “A Sense Sublime”

  1. TYNESHAon 09 May 2007 at 12:34 pm


  2. kristina santoson 27 May 2007 at 8:09 am

    i hate loving coz it rili hurtz..damn 🙁

  3. Sreyaon 05 Sep 2007 at 11:36 am

    8) keep it up suparna that was a really cute poem..

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