Mar 24 2011
A Year Ago
A year ago we broke up on this same day,
The love for u I once had will always stay,
I will always remember all the fun things we would do together,
How I thought the love we felt for each other would have last forever,
You were the only guy who filled my life with joy,
Just like when I was a little girl and I use to play with toys,
But you were the one who made my dreams come true,
The one who would make the sun shine near the ocean blue,
A year ago was when my life felt apart,
After all I didn’t just lend you my heart,
I gave it to you so you can hold on to it tight,
When you gave it back I cried day and night,
I had to accept the fact that you were no longer mine,
There for all the things we did I will never forget in my life,