Oct 08 2011

Across the Room

Published by at 10:36 pm under Missing you Love Poems

Watching you look across the room,
And to only find despise within your sight,
Makes me wonder if saying goodbye,
Will come back and haunt me,
And force me to pay a price.

Your smile still holds the antidote to my sorrow,
Your lips still sends shivers to my spine,
Your body I can still feel it in my dreams,
But I can’t find it in myself to forgive you,
When you cry with arid eyes,
And when her name still lingers on your words.

The magic has never lessened,
I still desire to hold you near,
I regret making you feel obliged,
To protect me from my fears.

But human mistakes are to be forgiven,
I’ve prepared myself to forget the past,
Look ahead to the unpredictable tomorrow,
And to do everything and anything in these weakened hands,
To make you mine for a lifetime,
Or a just a fraction of an hour.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Across the Room”

  1. serena93on 15 Nov 2011 at 11:18 pm

    your writing is always creates such a vivid picture! top effort!

  2. anonymousson 16 Nov 2011 at 9:10 pm

    XD thank you so much, you always make my day!

  3. serena93on 16 Nov 2011 at 11:50 pm

    no problem (: you deserve it kiddo 😀

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