Feb 12 2011
And This Is how I Feel
Okay, I’ve literally bent my back backwards and forward for you. And I’m just getting the vibe that you don’t feel the same way I do. I mean, yea you tell me you love me, and all that other bull crap I wanna hear . . . but deep down inside I feel as if there’s something you wanna share. and if that’s the case please let me know, because that means i can finally stop wasting ALL this time that I will never be able to get back. I blame myself for most of these problems, I guess I just got too attached. I mean I love you with everything in me, and you know this. But I seriously can’t take another heartbreak, random thought . . . do you remember our first kiss? I certainly do, and it’s the little things like that, that bother me oh so bad. Because I dont feel like you’re putting your all into this, everything you have. But maybe I’m asking for way too much, could that possibly be? Maybe, but honestly I don’t really care, because I just wanted there to be a you and me. It’s the least you could do, do you know everything I’ve put up with just for YOU? First of all , I’ve completely lost a friendship with a real cool chick who’s effing in love with you. But still I stayed by your side when everyone told me not to. Number 2, how many times have i taken your pathetic butt back, when I said I was completely done? Hmmmm, lets see its damn sure more than just one! Number 3 who felt sorry for you when everyone else stopped giving a fuck? ohh yea, that was me again, guess why though? because i love you soooooo much. and it brings me to tears when I think about all the pain you’ve put me through, and yet I’m still here standing right beside you. You’ve made such a fool of me these past 2 years, and you have also given me a huge,terrifying fear. You wanna know what that fear is? i betchu already know. I am scared of L.O.V.E, the one thing you’ve yet to show . . .mee. smh, isn’t this sucha tragedy? why yes it is, but I guess you’ll just never understand. But any ways I’m moving along from all of this, the sweet and caring side of you I so totally miss. But you know I’m always gonna love you no matter what happens between you and I. Because unlike you I mean what I say, my actions never show lies. well I guess this is it, I just thought it would be nice to talk about the cards I wasa dealed. Because wheter you like it or not this is just SIMPLY how i feel . . .
damnn i feel this way about my ex-and i finaly have a cluee on whatt imma tell him beacause now he wants me back and relise i moved on just like him
please use line-breaks next time