Feb 24 2013


Published by at 2:30 am under Goodbye Poems

Envelope this anguish that feeds on my pain
Remember the old days – not humble nor vain.
Be careful, be cautious; your power will fail.
And what will be left then? A legend. A tale.

Unleash all your fury on weakening men
tear out all their courage (but only just) – then:
Look back on their children, look back at yourself
A man once of passion, but now only wealth.

Resemble your father? The man you despise.
You shake your head roughly, you scream that it’s lies.
I fall back in silence; there’s no way to say
if you will still hunger for anguish this day.

Once hunger was passion. Once passion was love…
But maybe your love’s only what I dream of.
Despite all decisions, despite loving you,
To try is to fail, to think is to do.

The battle had ended. The fear must recede.
And I found you crying on both of your knees.
Your power had failed you, your love stepped away,
and left you there, kneeling, in anguish that day.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Anguish”

  1. adminon 24 Feb 2013 at 2:32 am

    ah .that is quite deep pixie and powerful!

  2. pixieon 24 Feb 2013 at 11:06 am

    Thank you for the kind comment!

  3. Dennison 05 Mar 2013 at 4:39 am

    This is great pixie! =)

  4. pixieon 05 Mar 2013 at 2:45 pm

    Thank you!

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