Nov 22 2011


Published by at 11:45 pm under emo Poems

I’ve searched far and wide,
For the kid that lived inside of me a long time ago.

I’ve dug holes through my chest,
I’ve seen into mirrors,
To only find the empty corridors of my soul.

I was once happy, joyful, and careless.
Now I’m bitter, cruel, and cold.

I miss myself, sometimes a bit too much.

What can I do?
Where can I search?
Who should I look for,
In times of despair?

My answer is simple,
I must perish.

My breaths have turned heavy,
They strike me to the floor,
With every inhalation,
And excruciate me even mightier,
With every exhalation.

Why does breathing have to come in pairs?

My inept mind can’t describe what I feel,
It may only seem like an accident to the audience,
But to my eyes,
It’s ever so real…

The show has grown closer to it’s conclusion,
The stage is all set,
The lights have been centered,
And there’s a gun on the table.

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