Apr 06 2011

Be the prince? he may

Published by at 6:29 am under Sexy Poems

There was a girl,
Perhaps its her you know.
You see she met some men,
The most disgusting type
Their lust,
Dripping off the words they spoke.
Smelling like aftershave,
And stale ciggarettes.
Cornering the young soul.
Promising to break her heart.
Licking her skin,
And pulling her clothes.
The fear gripped her throat,
To prevent her screams.
The left her there you know.
With brokn bones,
They stole her pride,
Her smile,
Her glow.
Thats when he found her,
Bearly breathing,
Naked and alone.
With all his might he saved her,
See he was the hero kind,
Without all the bell and whistles
He was a pure heart of gold.
He open up his heart
And welcomed her home.
They live their fairytale ending now,
She got her smile back
And their in love you know.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Be the prince? he may”

  1. serena93on 11 Apr 2011 at 1:49 am

    woops i put it in the wrong catagory :/ this is most definitly not a sexy poem. sorry folks

  2. darkrainbow123on 18 Jun 2011 at 8:37 pm

    lol it`s still good though ^_^

  3. darkrainbow123on 18 Jun 2011 at 8:40 pm


  4. darkrainbow123on 18 Jun 2011 at 8:42 pm

    Cool poem and I dont mind at all if you havnt done it write cause its still good!! well done you! 8) ^_^

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