Mar 19 2011

Behind your eyes

Published by at 12:58 am under Betrayal Poems

Can you see what i hide behind my eyes?
Behind yours is filled with lies,

I always thought to trust was to gain,
but you’re the one who drives me insane,

Behind my eyes is a bit of hope,
I wish you could see, I’m trying to cope,

You were the one who betrayed me.
Its you who’s to blame, yes you plead.

You plead forgiveness, to forget the past,
But it won’t escape from my mind – not that fast.

Can you see what i hide behind my eyes?
Behind yours is filled with lies…

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One response so far

One Response to “Behind your eyes”

  1. Katrianon 31 Mar 2011 at 11:45 pm

    I luv this Poem !!
    It totaallly conects to me >.<
    Awsome Writing 🙂 🙂 🙂 xD

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