Sep 20 2011
We Love
I Love
the way you are.
Don’t try be perfect
You’re already more than worth it.
I know it must be hard.
With all the trouble you’re in.
You’ve got to start over
you think that’s your life in the bin.
Let me tell you
And just stop and think
Every second you’re near
i feel worth it
I feel strong
There’s a light that constantly glows from you
and you lent some of your strength to me.
I need to say thankyou
you make me feel strong
that life is worth this.
This is the way you will live
don’t ruin your future
because things will be hard
yes, i won’t deny
but that’s the adventure
that unfolds itself
for you to discover with your own eyes.
Get up from this place my dear
hold your head high
stay in this world
and watch your beatiful life unfurl before your eyes.
because believe me
you’re worth everything
you have all the support you need
take strength from the love that they pass you
and please.
be welll again.
be well
i need you to be well again.
be well
be well.
You can fight this
i believe.
don’t you stop believing
but just know
i will never leave.
keep on fighting my dear
and you won’t have to fight any longer.
you’ll have believed
and you won’t feel like you want to take your leave.