Jul 21 2010


Published by at 3:51 pm under Love and Friendship Poems

I begin to ask myself, if he really see’s what i in-vision
of his life. Nobody feels what he does deep down, when i see
him i don’t see what everyone else sees..i see my best friend,
my companion, that one person that i know will always be there
to catch me when i fall. Girls fall from high heaven to hell for
his image, i understand more to him then he does himself. What i
try and see in him is something that no one else can ever try to see.
What he wants, he knows very well he can have it, he hurts knowing what
he wants other people don’t feel, its something so rough his heart cant
always take. Now i hurt knowing what we use to have isn’t nothing compared
to what we are now of days, as time passes we begin to drift apart more an more.
Why is it so hard to keep me inside your heart? When you know all i ever wanted
was me and you as two, all i ever get is forever best friends, you make complete
as if im not meant to be without you. Days go by i grow more and more attached to you.
You are all i need wrapped up into one person, i treasure everything you do, the way
you talk, walk, even laugh.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Bestie’s”

  1. estephanieon 16 Nov 2010 at 5:21 am

    this poem seems really interesting :love:

  2. jahairaon 17 May 2011 at 1:25 pm

    this is so cute i love it :whistle: :love:

  3. jahairaon 17 May 2011 at 1:25 pm

    this is so cute i love it :whistle: :love: :bandit:

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