Apr 27 2011

Bitter Insanity

Published by at 11:49 pm under Missing you Love Poems

i sleep
i wake
so deep
so fake

i have no reality
there are no dreams
between them there is no clarity
im living 2 lives, it seems

is he with me?
is he gone?
i wish i could see
what went wrong

i loved him
i loved him with my very being
he made me feel dim,
unhelpful, unseeing

i miss the dreams
ive been dragged back to earth
here there are 2 teams
dont cross a line, into anothers turf

i miss him
i miss my bitter insanity
for, without him
ill surely not cope with sanity

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Bitter Insanity”

  1. Christian Cardwellon 11 May 2011 at 2:39 am

    Hey Pixie,

    My name is Christian Cardwell. I am a sophomore attending Bishop Mcnamara High School in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. I have a poetry project and I was going to use your poem to read to the class, but i was wondering if I could know your real name so that I can use it?


    Christian Cardwell

  2. pixieon 11 May 2011 at 1:13 pm

    hiya, christian
    my name is Nadia Strydom
    im flattered that u like my poem

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