Dec 09 2014

Bittersweet Love

Published by at 12:47 am under Heartbreak Poems

Each day the passes, I look in the mirror
I see a girl staring back at me
With every minute, every second that ticks by
I rebel against him
I ask myself, has there always been a way out?

Can anyone save me?

His words are like knives that are thrown at me
He is making me bleed!
Vines with thorns wrap around me
Squeezing and piercing my skin
It’s hard to breathe or spread my wings

He suffocates me and drags me down
Into a pit of depression and hopelessness
I wonder if I can escape this
Is there peace in this hell?
I’ll keep fighting but is it worth it anymore?

Can anyone save me?

His words are like knives that are thrown at me
He is making me bleed!
Vines with thorns wrap around me
Squeezing and piercing my skin
It’s hard to breathe or spread my wings

There is no love in this place
Only hate reflect from his eyes
With so much lies and pain
I swear I am not guaranteed a tomorrow

His words are like knives that are thrown at me
He is making me bleed!
Vines with thorns wrap around me
Squeezing and piercing my skin
It’s hard to breathe or spread my wings

No one is here
No one hears me
And no one can save me

This is my Bittersweet love

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