Feb 12 2011

Blood on the Windows

Published by at 7:07 pm under Lost Love Poems

How could something so small hurt so much?
The small sliver of glass that is you –
The one word you said before you left me –
Pierced my heart like a dagger
And now I’m on the ground looking at blood on the windows.
I used to think the red-on-tranparent looked pretty,
In an ethereal kind of way.
Now I see it for what it really is. A nightmare.
I try to see past the red stain for a glimpse of what I’m missing stuck in this lonely safehouse as I am,
But all I see is the pain I endured and isn’t going away.
Help me wash away the scars of forgotten memories
So that I can see the rays of light that find their way into my gloomy heart.

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One response so far

One Response to “Blood on the Windows”

  1. pixieon 28 May 2011 at 12:22 pm

    this is kinda morbid
    i love it :p

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