Jan 21 2012

Nice Sweet Funny Strong

Published by at 1:12 am under Teenage Love Poems

Today was a good day
We talked as we walked
Well we sorta talked
We said hi and bye
That counts right?
Well it does to me
I don’t know why I can’t talk to you
But that last few crushes I have had I was able to talk too
I guess you are just special
Which you are
You are athletic
Everything a girl wants in a guy
And you can be mine
And I can be yours
All WE have to do is talk and WE can go even further
I want to be close
Like Abby and Carson
you know the boyfriend and girlfriend that are always together
they are like best friends
i want us to be that way
they do everything together
i like how everybody says they look so cute together
i want that to be us
but theirs just one thing
we have to stop texting each other
and start actually talking to each other
a H or Bye wont count anymore
we need a conversation
we pretty much know each other enough
we have talked a lot through texting
so just talk to me a little more and maybe soon ask me out
because i know you like me
you have told me through texts and facebook
so lets find our guts together and we can become one.

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One response so far

One Response to “Nice Sweet Funny Strong”

  1. StarfireBluestoneon 17 Jul 2012 at 5:31 am

    i know exactly what your talkin about 😛

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