Nov 21 2011


Published by at 10:09 am under Heartbreak Poems

She lies awake
Doesn’t know what to do
Wondering how, will she ever make it through

She is in love
So she refuses to leave
Refuses to throw away the key

Crying all day, as she thinks of him
How could he do this
She wonders with in

She’s so young
and easily hurt
So she believed the one
Who said I love you first.

He says he sorry
But she knows its not true
“Why?!” she screams
“I’ve never done this to you!”

On the inside he laughs
On the out side he giggles
Enough is enough
Her heart, now brittle

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Brittle”

  1. SWeet.Candyies**on 21 Nov 2011 at 11:56 pm

    I completely understand how you feel
    I think that this is an amazing poem
    Especially the last line, It really got me and left an imprint on my heart.
    Truely an masterpiece

  2. Starfirebluestoneon 13 Jul 2012 at 9:17 am

    this poem is very well done and really resonated with me

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