Jul 13 2011

But he left me…

Published by at 9:57 am under Lost Love Poems

I know i should think before i say things
stupid things
and i know that i should have stopped
but, even so, when thinking
my only thought is that he was bound to go sometime
because no-one stays
and no-one cares
and no-one wants to help
so the only thing i can do is keep praying for God to let me die.
its a little girl’s plea,
just someone begging for help
because he left
and she had convinced herself that he would never hurt her
after hours spent, just talking
and days of unending kindness
the only thing left are the memories of his words
the self-loathing
because i should be able to know by now, right?
that nobody stays long enough to really know me
and stupidly, i let him in
letting myself trust
and now
i have no-one
not even some guy i barely knew
and as i cry, my eyes blurry
i promise myself to never let another in

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “But he left me…”

  1. Justaboyon 13 Jul 2011 at 1:15 pm

    I felt this, this exact same feeling. You took words that haunted me in my mind in the night and made them real. I’m sorry you feel this way too…

  2. pixieon 13 Jul 2011 at 3:17 pm

    I’m sorry that you know what it’s all about. But some selfish part of me is just so grateful that I’m not alone, you know?

  3. Justaboyon 13 Jul 2011 at 4:30 pm

    Yeah, I understand. lol.

  4. heatheron 10 Aug 2012 at 4:11 am

    I know this all to well it hurts me to read it.

  5. pixieon 10 Aug 2012 at 10:35 am

    ;-( I hope you’re doing okay..

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