Feb 13 2012

Change -(True story)

Published by at 10:43 am under Sad Love Poems

This story has a twist.
Shes an artist and her stories untold so listen to this.
Her paintbrush is a razor and her canvas is her wrist.
Her mind is a bomb and its ticking methodically, her emotions are rolling her thoughts drifting past in mythology.
Her breathing is fast, and she paints about the past, shes working her masterpiece her absolute last.
She’s seen things life changing and endured things stopping her life’s aging.
Shes possible an oracle her story is historical she paints with truth about the lies, her life’s cloudy disguise.
Her story is indecision, she works with quick precision, her art has created a whole new division of lifes constant pain.
Her story rides apon her canvas there forever to remain, forever to stain, she cries tears of shame, remorse, wondering whos fault this is about who should she blame?
Her mind has constantly been maimed, she too wild to contain, she struggles to stay sane.
With worry and doubt thundering about her life making her pout, drawing the sadness out, she tries to talk quietly but the words just shout.
She feels locked away, as if shes they to stay, tommoro and today.
All we can do is pray is the painting finishes small, and that happiness is displayed.
Her battle is tough and is painted with colors of the rough, with these emotions she is stuffed.
She is not seen when she faces her days and nights troubles, the problem is there is no’one to save her shes stuck in this little bubble, of fear she has no control over her lifes path on the road so how can she steer?
What happens when she runs out of room, does she take her life or bring herself more hurt, all we can assume is that there is still more from her to be expected when shes broken down crying in the dirt.
Alone, sobbing, her eyes glazed wih the tears of thoughts, constantly probbing, her enternal consciensness, throwing her into an abyss, of evil and hate her life she begins to descriminate, and with all of this she uses her paintbrush to paint.
Shes sick of these thoughts no longer shall she let them taint , her soul no longer will she run and hide.
She will destroy her thoughts of suicide, erase the canvas and start anew, her painting career that she blew.
She has decided, to be a writer and let the thoughts run wild in truth descriptve and memory provided.
This story can be complicated, in detail its R Rated but with hope anything can change.
Her life has yet to be rearranged. She has great potential and skills of a long range.
She can now unlock herself from her lifes cage, free herself from this stage, and run free clean of all sadness and debris, she is human, So treat her like one,just like you, and me.

At last this story has come to a complex end, her renewed self is a blend of hope and passion and we will wait for that which only time can mend.
With support and love, we end the tale of change raining down from above.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Change -(True story)”

  1. <3Pretty_Gurl_Swag<3on 26 Feb 2012 at 2:58 am

    I think that this is one of those poems that words cant describe.
    This is one of the best poems I’ve ever read… its deep nd its sad, but then feels yu with hope,
    that she’ll make it out alive… not die, but strive…

    *Well Done.

  2. Josiah Goodmanon 05 Mar 2012 at 9:56 pm


  3. phatta singhon 07 Dec 2012 at 5:02 am

    ow…its really heart touching poem and i like it….
    really interesting and touching at the same time..
    well done….

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