May 10 2011

Crowded city

Published by at 8:43 am under Dark Love Poems

crowded city, jammed full sidewalks
people out to live their lives
unawares, no one cares
about all us degenerates in the dives
barrel fires, broken wires
wondering how we will survive
freezing temps, uncaring pimps
beatings, violence, dangers on this deserted drive
empty stomachs, empty wallets
doing anything to make a meal
you look down from above, yell and curse
this is my life, this is real
broken families, broken dreams
in the night silent screams
down here you eventually find
you learn to fight or you lose your mind

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Crowded city”

  1. Em0 fR3aKon 18 May 2011 at 3:54 pm

    I love the poem… its so true

  2. HAHAHAon 12 Feb 2012 at 2:57 pm

    OMG….you are kidding right? This is my poem. I wrote it on November 10, 2010. And now you are on here passing it off as you own. You need to get a life you plageriser.

  3. HAHAHAon 12 Feb 2012 at 3:02 pm

    i posted it on this website on march 17, 2011 under the title “Who Cares?” If you cant write your own poetry perhaps you should not steal other people and rename it and pass it off as your own you fake.

  4. Disappointedon 12 Feb 2012 at 3:06 pm

    I wonder, did you write any of the 4 poems you have on your profile or did you steal them all?

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