Jul 15 2011


Published by at 1:48 pm under emo Poems

Love is but a shadow,
fleeting darkness before truth’s light.
He didn’t care,
didn’t want me,
never loved me.

So I cut.
Because it can’t hurt like he did,
I can’t cry like I did,
I can’t die like I did,
I won’t try like I did.

I don’t need him,
I don’t need his love,
As long as I can still–

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Cut”

  1. pixieon 15 Jul 2011 at 2:08 pm

    You seem very… focused on this topic. The poems are really good, but you must have been through something recently to make you feel like this. Otherwise, old feelings are bubbling to the surface.
    The poems are, therefore, extremely raw and absolutely, shockingly painful, sad and easy to relate to.
    The way you explain everything so perfectly without using many words is astounding.
    Very well done.
    I hope you’re doing okay, though.

  2. Justaboyon 16 Jul 2011 at 1:49 pm

    Yeah, focused I guess is the word, or maybe obsessed.
    I’m doing okay, I’ve just had some dark times in my past and cutting was something I couldn’t stop doing, my dad checks my arms and legs biweekly. Someone close to me gave me reason to again…this is the only thing keeping me from doing it. I appreciate your analysis. 😉 Always a pleasure.

  3. pixieon 16 Jul 2011 at 10:58 pm

    Can I say something weird? I’m going to, anyway.
    You’re the first person on here whose poems seem real to me, you know? I don’t think it’s just poetry for poetry (don’t know if that makes sense, someone else once used that term). And that makes me kind of sad.
    I mean, how bad must you feel? And i know, gawd I know, how little this helps. But, for what its worth, I really am here if you, I don’t know, want to talk?

  4. Justaboyon 17 Jul 2011 at 12:37 pm

    I think I understand the term, and no, my writing isn’t just for show. It isn’t always the truth of the situation, but the pain is real and I have lain there crying myself to sleep many times. The emotions are always very real, and this may not help some people but being able to write and share is all I have right now. You’re a fascinating person, Pixie, I always want to talk to you. If you don’t mind me saying something weird now, half the fun of writing a poem is, at this point, hoping you’ll comment.

  5. pixieon 17 Jul 2011 at 2:37 pm

    I’ll be sure to do so, then.

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