Oct 30 2010

Darkness and Light

Published by at 7:16 am under Love Poems for Boyfriend

Nightfall, take me to your fortress of desire

let me but glimpse at my enchantress

of dreams

Oh moonlight, flaunt to my world

your touch of magic

illuminate eyes of passion

allow flowing hair, to flood my senses

in waves of darkness

Her smile seizes my breath

time failed to purge a beauty

endless in power and majesty

as sensuality drips on my altar

of fate

allowing me passage to her palace

of crimson delights

their arches forming a sentinel

of desire

where dreams and imagination

merge as one

Oh to fashion our plain of reality

let the night take our souls

creating a bond of passion

for darkness is light

and nights, our endless domain

George W Knox

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Darkness and Light”

  1. serena93on 02 Nov 2010 at 8:26 am

    beautifully written, left me breathless.
    pure talent ^_^

  2. PoetryFreak666on 03 Nov 2010 at 7:13 pm

    I love it! it opens up my spirit ^_^ it makes me feel reborn and alive:) my emo empress will be very happy to read this:P

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