Aug 24 2010


Published by at 5:30 pm under Love Poems for Your Girlfriend

Denise is her name
I look in the sky and see the sun shining bright
I think of your smile each an every night
I walk on the beach and hear your voice in the breeze
Its soothing affects put my mind at ease
You don’t know how much I miss you when your not around
I sometimes feel lost when your presence can’t be found
When I look in your eyes and I see you smile
It reminds me of a feeling I’ve not had in a while
You make me feel happy you make me feel sad
But mostly I smile for your friendship I am so glad
I search in the sky for that star every night
The one that brought you to me and makes me feel so right
I had this dream that seems so long ago
Of a special person that when I met I would know
A Friend to share with and grow with in the sunlight
For its you that has made me feel high as a kite
In this time of my life when there’s so much I need
I couldn’t have asked for a better friend indeed
Denise is her name and she makes me smile
For her I would truly walk many many miles
The grass was so brown and now its bright green
A color so beautiful its one I have never seen
Your friendship is special and one I have thought
For so long its this feeling that I have sought

Drew Simmons 7/3/2010

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Denise”

  1. ds8714on 15 Sep 2010 at 6:09 pm

    That is a very beautiful poem she is very lucky lady

  2. Deniseon 30 Jun 2012 at 4:56 pm

    I love it.. The meaning is so deep. This poem represents and celebratea a person expressing life, love and friendship…so beautiful!

  3. Deniseon 25 Mar 2013 at 9:51 pm

    I was searching for a poem with my name in it and I found it! It’s beautiful, really.

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