Mar 15 2011

Done suck!

Published by at 12:09 am under Break Up Poems

Saying sorry not enough to pay all
It even sadden me
You first approaching me
You said,so hard conquering my heart
So easily you forgot it?
After capturing my heart in a whole
then you broke it into pieces…
You are so cruel,,,or me, so naive?
Love had been finished…
its sweetness has gone away
The world seems so empty and dark
only for a few moments you gave cheerful days
Nice saying and sweet words changed into rude ones
No more tenderness and caring
Hate dominated in heart
No one can be blamed,
Now, trying to awaken from nightmare
Love only giving sweetness in the beginning
At last, the bitterness accompanies heartbreak…
Expect another day will never meet faked love which lead to horrible suffering

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Done suck!”

  1. Cruiseon 16 Mar 2011 at 9:31 am

    …. we maybneed also the bitterness in life, for making us stronger, as like medicine…it s not sweet but can heal our sickness, be positive always! :p

  2. Pintakoon 16 Mar 2011 at 11:58 pm

    @Cruise: Thank u…Yeah…be positive and also be optimistic…it s all we need…moving on…go further! 😆 🙂

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