Feb 12 2006
Dying on my path
Dying on my path
Slowly I am walking down my path,
step by Step, it is getting more exhausting,
people are looking out of windows ; children laugh,
while the sadness in the air is everlasting.
Smoke is coming out of houses roofs, dark and grey,
cars are driving beside, some of them leave the street,
I am raising my head, raise my hands and prey,
the sun is shining bright, I am beaten down by heat.
Birds are singing their melodies ; spending delight,
when raindrops start pouring down my window,
questioning, if I live or if I am just blinded by light,
if it is the love I feel or another kind of sorrow.
-By MiSun
i think uoi need abit more sence in this poemssorry who veer worte it and at the end it dosnt6 make a alot of sence girl or guy take more time on poetry at youll havr a better poems trust me im a poetry lover
this isn\’t exactly showing how u feel
Didn\’t read all but its okay I think
Doesn\’t exactly show how you feel, if oyu want to express use more deep words that dig down to your heart.
another poem pass it to mummy jancy ok :sigh
hey im tasha and i have to say i love your poem im a poem writter my self well a starter and your poem as well shown me something i havent seen before so thank you :grin
it was OK NOT GREAT JUST OK, it just doesn\’t express your true emotions at all its just as if a path to your true emotions and the path is cut of you could\’ve done better. :sigh
why people are criticizing it so much
but it\’s the only truly touching one i\’ve read so far
show and express what you really feel
:cry LovE iS pAinFuLL 4EvEr….mY bOyfRiEnD cHeAt mE
its truly said dat d one who hurts u a lot u love him d most… same wid me… he got tired of hurting.. betrayed me… n i still love him n will love him forever…