Mar 09 2013

Embrace Me.

Published by at 8:32 am under Uncategorized

“Embrace me,”
She says to me,
As I tremble down my spine,
I’ve never been a hugger,
But I hold onto what’s mine.

I feel it,
It seems surreal,
So raw and so uncut,
To push away,
To push I may,
And fall back into my rut.

To fight through all the romance,
Straight to the task at hand,
This warped addiction,
Of self affliction,
Born by my own demand.

A wave,
An Inglorious shock,
This shockwave,
In my mind,
Cuts off my heart before it starts,
And renders her beauty blind.

Deep inside so empty and black,
On the surface,
A smile of lies,
No beauty in,
No beauty out,
Can be seen by my soul or eyes.

I feel a begging for her warmth,
Perfectly mesmerized,
Painfully taken,
By her sunset that never dies.

And then I fall off,
I fall right back,
I fall straight off of the map,
Back to the old me,
Caught for a moment,
Back to the same old crap.
—Dennis Mayer

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One response so far

One Response to “Embrace Me.”

  1. pixieon 17 Mar 2013 at 8:33 am

    I am struck completely speechless

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