May 25 2011

Runaway from Sadness

Published by at 11:43 am under emo Poems

Gone away from all the light
Away from all the noise and nonsense
Away from all people; away from all life

Shattered in this darkness
Voices call my name
Unclear whether to run or to hide
I take a razor blade to my vein

Knowing no one will care
I choose to run away from all the sadness
So I put pressure on the blade

I can see the blood run down my arm
It’s the blood from my veins
I know this will be the end

The end of all my sadness
The end of all my pain
It will be the end… Of everything

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Runaway from Sadness”

  1. allieon 30 Jul 2011 at 5:40 pm

    Never try to kill ur self hon it isn’t worth it. 😮

  2. Em0 fR3aKon 28 Dec 2011 at 12:52 am


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