Mar 04 2011

Everything thats happened is because you </3

Published by at 8:53 am under Heartbreak Poems

you walk in && i’m crying…
you don’t know why, I tell you i’m dying
You don’t understand what i mean && ask me to explain…
I say the one thing that comes to mind…
It’s your fault…
I pull up my sleeves so you know how I deal with my pain.
you ask me that’s my fault??
My respone is yes…which comes out in a whisper…
&& then you say ohh yeah!? what the hell did i do?!?
I yell you broke my heart!!
with tears streaming down my face…
you had me convinced you would forever love me…
&& you say… i lied…

(Not everything has a happy ending)
PS. you know who you are, && you know i still love you..

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Everything thats happened is because you </3”

  1. meghan222on 05 Mar 2011 at 11:46 pm

    I am so sorry about what happened between you and that person 🙁

  2. Dinosauron 11 Mar 2011 at 6:32 pm

    thanks, i guess it was a good thing or else i wouldn’t be with my dinosaur haha he’s pet name. :love:

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