Feb 13 2012

fading time

Published by at 10:52 am under Lost Love Poems

i spend my life
looking at this clock
ticking seconds
in a silent room

sometimes i wish
my time would stop
end the seconds
stop the ticking clock

pain overcomes me
terror filled eyes
bleeding from love
that time had to end

agonizing pain
screaming terror
how did this happen
why am i here

love loss lies
pain filled eyes
staring at the clock
that could end my life

moments passing
judgements made
same old games
over played

you lied and tried
to many times
turned me into
the girl that hides

seconds fading
losing hope
live life to die
so grab the rope.

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One response so far

One Response to “fading time”

  1. <3Pretty_Gurl_Swag<3on 26 Feb 2012 at 3:05 am

    this poem made me cry
    i feel like that sometimes
    like the only way to escspe
    is go, curl up, nd die

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