Feb 24 2011


Published by at 2:49 am under emo Poems

Take these broken wings that I have held on so dear,
take away this pain, this fear.
My heart is breaking,
my soul is aching.
As the razor sharpens,
the blood darkens.
I wish you were here,
to take away my fear.
I fear I might lose you,
most of the time thats why I seem so blue.
I love you with all of my heart,
so please don’t let us fall apart.
If we do fall apart,
it would break my heart,
i would die.
So please don’t cry,
don’t worry it will be okay.
Cause someday will be your day,
then we’ll be together,
Forever and ever.

By: Skie

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One response so far

One Response to “Fear”

  1. XxblakeTOAFetchesxXon 01 Mar 2011 at 11:14 am

    Utterly heartbreaking and beautifully poetic… I think you have defined romance within is eye opener <3

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