Mar 20 2005
Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice
Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
nice but it lacks depth
good but i don\’t fully understand the poem
you have to look beyond the words them selfs you have to look at the invisible print i love this poem it is one of my favorites
lovely poetry
I enjoyed this poem i find it realy spoke out, if you know how to look for it.
it inspired me deeply.
i love this poem it was great i love robert frost he is my favorite authore wow bravo bravo
People argue whether earth is going to be distroyed by fire or by ice, I think according to the scriptures. In the poem he is saying that he has felt the passion and heat of desire, and is compairing that to the symbolized fire, and he can truley see how that would be able to compleatly consume the world, but then he has also felt the freezing cold sting of someone\’s hate, and he could see how that could also be just as consumeing as desire.
nice poem i love it and fully understand it!! lovely..
Exactly when you feel somebodys hate you hate yourself and realize the sting of ice when you feel love you feel the desire of warmth and ifre:)
Just Brilliant
Frost sure knows in its simplest term that love is so much more than what it seems. Bravo Frost Bravo.
:eek :cry 🙁 😡 :sigh :p 8) :roll :roll 😉 😕
[B]that poem was heartbreaking[/B] :cry :eek :roll 😕 🙂 :grin 😉 8) :p :sigh :zzz 😡 🙁 :upset 😡
he wrote this during the time of the war so i beileve that he thinks that the war will either end with everyone getting along(fire/compermization) or end in tragety with everyone dieing(ice/crulety).
how is this even remotely considered a love poem? Frost is a wonderful poet, but this has been clearly misunderstood.
the reason it is a love poem is because he is comparing love and passion and desire to the fire. and he believes the world would end happily in a sense. if u still dont understand email me at [email protected]
love this poem…
This is clearly about love… is so passionate, but it is also so consuming….can you ever really love someone you haven\’t hated?????
Nice! Thank you!
dgdfgd nice but it lacks depth
ok there have been some accurate while others, how dgdfgd exclusivly lack depth this is one of he deepest poem i know how does it lack depth the fire is a burning it represents desire or passion so naturally ice being the opposite representsno desire or passion it is cold and sharp now how is this a love poem ever hear the phrase opposites attract while fire burn brightly ice cools swiftly they can coinside as one they are two side to a coin yin and yang, passion and indifference but they are always together any othe questions my e-mail is lance-m-2010@
your the one dreamed ive of.
the one ive been looking for my whole intired life
my heart starts to fall apair when you love in to my eyes
my heat ponds and bets so hard and fast
it feels like its going to brust out of my chest
when i get thoughts of you my heart gets faster
and my mind goes insane =] =] =] =] =] =]
by katie R
it really inspired me to take a nap. it was almost as boring as shakespeare. 👿 😀 😀 😀 😀 😮 😮
i absolutly love this poem!!!!!! ya!!!!!!!! :love: im a pretty rainbow!!!!!! i love ponys!!!! i also am in love with magical ponys!!!!!! contact me at!!!!!! ya!!
i wish i could be in pony world right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im in lovve with ponys!!!!!! especially magical rainbow ponys!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:……………………..i absolutly love,love,love,love PONYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a song i wanna sing here today:
it depends on the person entirely
i lovethiss poemm soooo much :love:
wowowowowowowowow!! suchh a gr8 poemm!!
People can complain until they are blue in the face that Jacob and Bella should be together, ;-( BUT… you can’t change what’s written! HAhaHA! Go Team EDWARD! ? 😉
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star I see Edward there you are! (I don’t want a Knight in shiny armour riding a horse..I want Edward Cullen driving a VOLVO!)
Has VOD IOD EOD TSOD [ Vampire obsession disorder, Immortal obsession disorder, Edward obsession disorder, Twilight Saga obsession disorder]
Emmett may be the strongest, Edward the fastest, and Jacob has the muscles, but Jasper is the only who can sit in a corner and still make everyone feel jealous…. xxxx
TeAm EdWaRd!!!! xxxx :love: 😀
robert frost is my fav. poet 😀
since I heard this on Twilight Eclipse, this has became my favorite poem. But I’ve always liked poems from Robert Frost! One of the best poets of all time!
This poem greatly shows the struggle of love!!!!!!
I don’t understand this poem.. i was searching for love poems :love: for a poetry project for an english class i’m taking and i can’t tell if this is supposed to be a love poem or not.. i don’t think that it is. Any suggestions on good love poems?? 😀
depth. it has to much depth. i love love love love this poem. its my favourite poem of all time:)
this is some tough stuff.
It’s one of the greatest
one of my all time favorites.
it is really a good poem
Okay…..But still needs more to it and it goes in a rhyming skeme….anyone notice it (ABAABCBCB) :ninja: :whistle:
i think this poem is a great poem i love this poem it relly speaks out to him when you fee the desire to love somebody and when you have the desire to hate somebody you get fired up and you want to just hit that person but you don’t :love:
I think one of the best parts of great poetry, much like a great song is ones ability to apply it to their own specific meaning regardless of the authors specific inspiration. Robert Frost is truly one of the greats….