Jun 25 2011

Foolish Girl

Published by at 12:57 am under Sad Love Poems

Foolish girl, with your thoughts a skewed.
What has he done to you?
So predictable for you to write again
As memories flood of you two in bed.
He taste so sweet like passion and fire.
Look again, it’s your own desire.
Felt heat not like this before.
Blinded by wanting more.
To crave his touch is to crave air to breath
When did he become real to me?
Missing the woman I use to be.
A pull and tug when I see his face
When he’s done he pushes me away.
Anger takes over in its place.
Cheater, cheater repeats without haste.
The want and need replaces the guilt
And when he leaves me alone it’s emptiness I feel.
Like a song stuck on repeat, old habits we cannot break.
He stole a piece of me, the heart I asked him not to take.
How do I find my way back to the light?
To see clearly, him without sight.
Why can’t I let you go, why can’t I leave.
Foolish girl indeed.

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One response so far

One Response to “Foolish Girl”

  1. pixieon 25 Jun 2011 at 9:24 am

    this is very professional. the rhymes r great. the meaning is clear, it seems, yet still leaves u wondering
    love the last line – finishes it off very elegantly
    overall, this was a very pleasantly depressing poem

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