Jul 21 2010


Published by at 3:57 pm under emo Poems

Wait is this it..
am i to an the end.?
Where i have been..
these voices drag me to hell it seems..
darker it gets with every other voice.
His figure, stands floats above me in the dead of night.
Is it safe? To go home, where these people wont leave..
continue to grow more angry in my head..
It maddens me. Take me to the light, where i am safe.
Beyond the stars, he stands sending more an more to me..
What have i done wrong? One mistake turns into a life full of hell.
You they say, one word, is what they long me to hear.
Up an down inch by inch i stare you down..
Larger the image bigger the words..
I long for just one moment of remorse…
The secureness i wanna feel :/

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Forced”

  1. pixieon 23 Oct 2010 at 5:40 pm


  2. Maddyon 15 Nov 2010 at 1:44 pm

    amazing 😡

    good job 😉

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