Nov 11 2010

I Promise

Published by at 1:27 pm under Forever Love Poems

We have been together, many years
We live we laughed, and cried some tears
You think were not as close no more
Afraid that I will walk out the door

The hell we go though, we could not foresee
But though all the shit I know you still love me
We don’t go out nor do we dine it
Sometimes it seems that we are near the end

But baby I promise right from my heart
I love you more now than from the start You need to know how much I care
I will never leave you this I swear

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “I Promise”

  1. Armaanon 12 Nov 2010 at 1:41 pm

    T:wink: his is the nice poem but one thing is missing in ur poem fellingz

  2. Armaanon 12 Nov 2010 at 1:43 pm

    i love sadi shes my best friend but ani time fighting miss understandingz plz ani body tell me so wot should i do

  3. pixieon 12 Nov 2010 at 6:16 pm

    This is really cute but it doesn’t really seem to come from your heart

  4. Nickon 22 Nov 2010 at 10:37 am

    Who is the author? I need the author’s background. I LIKE THIS!

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