Aug 07 2012

Freedom to be myself

Published by at 10:11 am under Uncategorized

These times are the hardest.
There is so much hate surrounding us.
Sometimes I regret the things that have been said, and done.
But there is no way of turning back the clock.
But truth be told, I wouldn’t change anything that has happened.
It’s what has made me who I am.
Those times where I cried myself to sleep,
Showed me that I was still alive.
And the times where you stabbed me in the back,
I made sure that I didn’t do that to someone I cared about.
Every time that you lied to me,
I took that hurt, and turned it into reassuring words.
The times where you made me feel like I was nothing,
Pushed me to prove you wrong.
Today I found what was always there,
Life, love, and freedom to be myself.

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