Aug 31 2010

Friendship is a type of love

Published by at 7:33 pm under Love and Friendship Poems

Friendship is special
But what does it mean
Does it mean hanging out all the time
Or playing pranks without fear
of rebuttal or retort
Or does it mean something more
Friendship is a special type of love
The kind that stands true
It is the shoulder you cry on
When nothing goes right
It is the trophy for all your spoils
It is the healer of all wounds
A friend is there when no one else is
It is special because it is not sullied by trivialities
of other relationships
in one’s life this is the constant
A friend is there to understand
another’s woes
Frienship is better than
Your truest love or greatest wish
You are my friend and I yours
Let nothing change this
This pact I make with you
For now and always

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One response so far

One Response to “Friendship is a type of love”

  1. Manuon 17 Sep 2010 at 9:05 am

    Very touching indeed……….. i just don’t have the words to describe my emotions which resulted after reading. SUPER DUPER NICE. 😉

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