Apr 18 2011

A broken laugh

Published by at 12:21 pm under Dark Love Poems

a broken laugh
an unhinged believer
a tale uve never heard…

a sigh
a scream

no light
such pain

this is what life is, u know
a broken record frozen… slow

an endless cycle of loss and hate
but this ive realized much too late

i once had hope
i once did trust
no longer is that true

my age, its strange
i feel so old
my name, its unfitting
im not myself

why? isnt that always the question
why is there no end, no peace
why does this agony never cease?

and yet… i know of love
i know of freedom
it feels faraway, sometimes
but there is a reason for this suffering

…isnt there?

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A broken laugh”

  1. Minkzon 03 May 2011 at 5:50 pm

    love it! there’s always the perfect poem to describe how u feel…

  2. pixieon 03 May 2011 at 6:07 pm

    thanks, Minkz

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