Sep 16 2011
Get Back Up.
surrounded my heart.
surges from my cuts.
absece from your self.
what we all will need
in the end.
I like to act
like i cannot see
these few awful things
that surround me.
I pretend
that i cannot hear
their cries
cries for me
they cry to me.
I pretend
that everything’s fine
Tie a scarf round my mouth
act like ‘myself’.
Nobody knows
In this house
how much i see
and feel.
They cannot help me
so what’s the point?
I do not wish their sympathy to lie upon me
nor do i want the gowns of the institute to perform me.
When she was out
he stood before me
greed in his eyes
nobody save me.
I’ll be fine.
I’ll just stand here
while he threatens to swing.
If he does
I’ll take the hit.
After that
I will not yelp
call for help
or fight back
i’ll just stand right back up
show him how much i have.
He can keep on swinging
but after that one instant of courage
i’ll keep on singing.
They’ll hear my song
across the hills
of joy embroided gold
such a courage i can show.
Every time he hits me down
i’ll stand back up
for the next round.
Oh Dorathy
look at me now
your little girl’s gone
and you’ve nothing to show
but your husbands bruises
on my body and my soul.
At first the poem sounded like the usual way people write this kind of poem, i’ve even done it too, like you caused me pain kinda stuff. But the last part from where you say “oh dorothy” till the end is really good. It did have some confusing parts like “when she got out” out of what? Out of a building, out of her shell?
would have been so much awesomer if you had gone deeper on that. But overall, especially the end, was good. It kinda even reminded me of one of my own.
thankyou, and yeah i think it could have been better too and that part is when she was outside, but thankyou:)