May 18 2014

I’m lonely and I’m giving up.

Published by at 12:17 pm under Goodbye Poems

I’m lonely and I’m giving up.
I’ve no more will to fight.
And somehow, now, I finally feel
like what I’ve done is right.

This is the end I knew would come.
I don’t mind being gone.
I’ll go to sleep by lullaby –
a peaceful whispered song.

I never knew how you could be
so strong and brave of heart.
And then you made a fool of me;
You tore our love apart.

I’ve hardly been alive for years.
How could I carry on?
When all I have are memories,
and all the rest is gone.

I’m lonely and I’m giving up.
I’m tired and I’m sad.
I’ve made peace with myself – and you –
and lost love we once had.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “I’m lonely and I’m giving up.”

  1. msflibbleon 23 Dec 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Yes, pixie you speak my language

  2. pixieon 29 Dec 2014 at 10:09 am

    <3 Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad you understand me and my gibberish :p

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