Jul 21 2010


Published by at 3:52 pm under Missing you Love Poems

Painless love is what we all want,
when you lay your head on their chest,
feeling as if nothing compares to this heartbeat.
You shed one simple tear as they walk out the door.
Sit alone with thoughts of each other,
waiting calmly for the phone to ring.
Butterflies when you hear their name brought up in conversation,
To hell in back for their love, you bare not to take another breath..
never again to say i love you, need to feel them emotionally.
Down on your knees you dare to ask what you have done to deserve this pain,
never again will you hear their voice, your world is nothing without them.
You would rather give up your life then stand over there grave… :/

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Grave”

  1. angel709on 24 Sep 2010 at 5:01 pm

    your writing is truly amazing!

  2. iwait4you4everon 30 Sep 2010 at 10:02 am

    omg you have an amazing gift of words.. please please keep writing

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