Jul 19 2011

Ground confined

Published by at 3:39 pm under Heartbreak Poems

Losing hope is easy,
When you find yourself alone.
I fear now,
I have atlast become a fragile bird.
Clinging onto the gap between
Death and misery.
I lost all my feathers,
The day you had no words to trade with me.
Ground confined I became,
Dodging heavy footsteps,
Of lovers passing by.
I now shiver in my fever ridden dreams,
Although you sleep beside me,
I’ve never been so cold.
Your wind embrace shook me free of my leaves,
Before I had a chance to become a tree.
So I stand alone,
A helpless skeleton,
No one to seek shelter beneath my pathetic arms,
I cannot even shade myself from the harsh rays of neglect.
Pushing my trolley through the love starved veins of the city,
I scavaging for all the pity they can give.
Using my in stained fingers,
I dig my own grave in this tear stained soil.
Your silence will murder me.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Ground confined”

  1. Justaboyon 19 Jul 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Really great job, there are some powerful emotions here. The silence is always deafening, isn’t it?

  2. serena93on 23 Jul 2011 at 8:56 am

    its the worst ):

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