Oct 06 2011

Guilty Victim

Published by at 3:23 am under emo Poems

Screaming and crying and clawing at the walls
Pushing him down as he stumbles and falls
Trying his best, but not knowing how
If u want to save him, u must do it now

An endless wait, the years drag on
A savior comes, but he’s already gone
Alone in The Fire, he screams out his pain
Cursing the one, for whom he’d been slain

Sacrifice of love, regretting the day
Hating the world, as night turns to day
Restless and young, but no life is left
Committed a crime, this heinous theft

One life was taken, the other was freed
If you listen closely, u can hear him plead
Breaking the law, murder the crime
No suspect found, to do the time

The crime was committed, by none but one
One bullet was shot, by only one gun
One man was guilty, a victim exists, too
These both can be, none other than you

We all pull the trigger, we all want our peace
Someday we’ll all end, and just simply cease
Declared by the law, I find you’re a sinner
The holy man’s dead, and now you’re the winner

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Guilty Victim”

  1. xxPlagueRatxxon 08 Oct 2011 at 6:23 pm

    this is really good, you get the jist of it all. good work

  2. pixieon 08 Oct 2011 at 7:16 pm

    Thanks :p :love:

  3. pixieon 28 Jan 2012 at 12:57 pm

    “Hating the world and all its cruel ways” **
    I used day twice o.O

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