Jan 20 2011

Hidden Message

Published by at 8:30 am under Cyber Love Poems

In this world we have something called love.
Love exists everywhere, and it can sometimes be hard to get out of.
Overall, love does exist, because its a feeling.
Views of cyber love may differ, but it sure gets you dreaming.
Eventually, you’ll ask yourself “is this love real?”
Yes, it’s real, as long as you feel it i don’t see what’s the big deal.
Others might tell you that you are wasting your time.
Unfortunately, they don’t know how you feel, thats where you draw the line.
Just listen to your heart, and see what you find.
In time, you’ll see love is all around humankind.
Never listen to the negativity.
Now, go out there and discover love.
You don’t want to miss it, it’s something you have to take hold of.

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4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Hidden Message”

  1. Skyeraidon 31 Jan 2011 at 2:49 am

    Love it, I have heard of many relationships happening over the internet. And they are strong because of them being set on mutual intrests. Great poem ^_^

  2. Kitaraon 05 Mar 2011 at 3:42 am

    This hits home, I have family that is unapproving of my husband because we met online. We have known each other jsut over a year online, started seeing each other unofficially a month after that and it became official in may, we got married in Oct after he moved to me. Things aren’t always perfect but our love is strong as if we had known each other a lifetime. Love the poem. :love:

  3. StarFoxon 16 Feb 2012 at 2:35 pm

    Thank you, Mr. Rawrz, that made my day! We truly can’t let people get us down! Love conquers all!! T-T *is taking it a bit too seriously*

  4. winaon 02 May 2012 at 9:09 am

    the hidden message iz : ” i love u jinny ” thats cool

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