Aug 27 2009

Hopelessly Romantic Valentine

Published by at 7:46 am under Valentines Poems

Hopelessly Romantic

Are we hopelessly romantic,

Just two sentimental fools?

We, according to our modern friends,

We?re breaking all the rules.

Still adoring lighted candles

On the table while we dine:

We?ve never lost our preference for

Those songs from ?49.

On sunny days in August,

On a picnic by the stream,

We sit for endless hours

Sharing secret hopes and dreams.

On starry nights in April,

You and I walk hand in hand

To that bridge where, thirty years ago,

Our wedding day we planned.

In my personal opinion

Hopeless fools we never were;

Though some may still maintain the thought,

They?re wrong, of that I?m sure.

But, yes, we?re sentimental,

Quite romantically inclined,

And in my heart you?ll always be

My favorite valentine.


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One Response to “Hopelessly Romantic Valentine”

  1. brett floreson 11 Feb 2010 at 11:47 am

    [B]null[/B] :cry

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