Jul 11 2010

How I wish you were Mine.

Published by at 5:06 am under Forever Love Poems

How I wish you were Mine.

I sit in this empty room, staring at the walls, wondering why you hadnt called.
To hell in back for your love to twine with mine, the walls are closing in
on me, the past of me an you haunt me. Finding myself waking up crying for your
touch! Oh how i wish you were mine, laughing at the past, reliving the past days.
Months past not a single word heard from you, are you out there?? Do you hear my
crys?? I feel so secure when im in your arms, as if nothing bad would ever happen
to me, i feel in such pain, harsh pain, when you aren't here with me. I've really
lost you this time. Times past, your grown now with a family, do you ever stop and
think about me in any kind of form?? I sit on the parks side, where i watch you push
your son on the swing, oh how i wish that was mine. My world is shattered without you
near, without your touch, why is it so hard to keep me in your heart?? Do you think of
me as the past?? I see in you a guy who knows what he wants, but he is so scared to exept
it in any way, hides from the fear he has built up inside his heart, you live in your fantasy
where you know you will never be alone. Oh how i wish you was mine, how your eyes shined when
you looked at me, your smile lit up my darker days. Now you are two years down the road you arent
with that woman anymore, oh how i wish you where mine, pass by me not a single word, just as it was
before, i need you to hear my crys, the pain i feel when im not in your arms. Its to late, your gone
the pain i feel is  even worse then before, tears begin to form in my eyes i look down at the casket,
watch them carry you out an put you in the ground, still how i wish you was mine, now its over, im a old
woman now. My pain is still with me, i waited for you, as i walked through the park rethinkin the past,

37 years ago today i sat on this very corner an watched you push your son on the swing, oh how i wish
you was mine, time has passed slowly without you….

There you was waiting at heavons gates for me,
you reached out your hand an gave me a note, as i read my heart filled with joy, hand in hand we walked
into a peaceful place where we are in love 🙂 The note still floats around in this world, for a couple
just as me an him..with what we lived on.. :Oh how i wish we could start fresh"

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